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State of Higher Education for Latinx in California (2018)

At 39% of the population, Latinx are the largest demographic in California, and make up 54% of K–12 students. By 2060, 45% of Californians will be Latinx. The future of the state’s economy and society depend on ensuring that Latinx youth are able to pursue their educational and career goals with equitable access to the opportunities afforded by a college degree.

This report from the Campaign for College Opportunity reviews data on preparation, enrollment, and success in college for Latinx Californians. College Futures Foundation provided a grant to support this report.

Every year, more Latinx students are graduating high school prepared for college, yet California’s postsecondary institutions have not yet closed equity gaps in access, persistence, and completion. And while the number of Latinx students earning bachelor’s degrees is also growing, the gap in B.A. attainment between Latinx and white Californians has grown since 2000.

California faces a shortfall of 1.65 million degree-holding adults need to support a growing economy through 2030. This goal cannot be reached without boosting college success for Latinx youth.

State of Higher Education for Latinx in California lays out a number of recommendations for state and higher education leaders:

  • California should set a specific degree attainment goal for Latinx students to focus energy on closing gaps in college preparation, access, and success.
  • Our public universities must increase capacity so that all qualified students have the option to enroll.
  • CSU and UC should expand the degree pathways that connect with Associate Degree for Transfer programs at the California Community Colleges so that more students can transfer and earn a B.A. in a timely manner.

Read the full report for a deeper dive into the data on college success for Latinx students and what it means for California’s economy.