Publications & Research
Rethinking & Redesigning Dual Enrollment as a Purposeful, Equitable Pathway to College and Career Opportunity
The Community College Research Center (CCRC) released a new publication this week that details a new research-based framework for strengthening dual enrollment programs as an equitable onramp to high-opportunity college and career pathways after high school. The Dual enrollment equity pathways (DEEP) framework, according to the center’s website, “reflects a shift in mindset from conventional thinking about [dual enrollment] to a more strategic approach that requires significant changes on the part of both colleges and high schools.” The DEEP model calls for K-12 and community college partnering to prioritize four main areas of practice: outreach to underserved students and schools; alignment to college degrees and careers in fields of interest; early career and academic exploration, advising, and planning; and high-quality college instruction and academic support.
A companion report also released by CCRC, DEEP Insights: Redesigning Dual Enrollment as a Purposeful Pathway to College and Career Opportunity, highlights key components observed for each of the four DEEP practices, with examples from both K-12 and community college sites. The authors also share how K-12 and college leaders implemented practices by establishing a shared DEEP mindset and creating structures to support scaling DEEP practices.