Publications & Research

Enhancing Holistic Student Supports in California Community Colleges Through Technology and Storytelling

In 2019, College Futures Foundation began working with Phase Two Advisory and The Ada Center to launch a community of practice focused on redesigning student supports that promote student success and holistic wellbeing. Over the course of this partnership, Phase Two Advisory and The Ada Center have produced actionable research, uplifted stories of holistic student supports (HSS) leaders across the California community colleges, and established a network of higher ed institutions committed to implementing HSS reforms at scale.

As the work to improve HSS on California college campuses continues, new resources from Phase Two Advisory and The Ada Center are available to help administrators and practitioners navigate the implementation of effective strategies.

The Ada Center

The Ada Center report, Holistic Student Support Technology in California Community Colleges, sheds light on the technology challenges and opportunities faced by California community colleges as they work toward achieving more equitable and effective holistic student support. It provides case studies and technology “maps” to help higher ed leaders, practitioners, and support organizations examine not only a college’s technology inventory, but also the processes and policies that undergird the IT ecosystem.

Watch the Videos Series About The Ada Center Report

Download the Holistic Student Support Technology in California Community College Report 


Phase Two Advisory

Phase Two Advisory’s first brief, Leaders Gotta Lead, offers senior leaders at higher ed institutions insight into and real-life suggestions for how they can deliver the support that their mid-level leaders need during efforts to design and implement HSS reform.

Their second brief, From Storytelling to Redesigning Planning, offers mid-level leaders a storytelling framework for flipping their thinking to start with the big picture and tie it into more tactical day-to-day activities. Mid-level leaders can also use this product to create a clear implementation plan with associated action steps and timelines.

Download the Leaders Gotta Lead Brief from Phase Two Advisory

Download the From Storytelling to Redesign Planning Brief from Phase Two Advisory